What are the Different Kinds of Signature?

In August 2022, FINRA sent out regulatory notice warning firms about their obligation “to supervise for digital signature forgery and falsification” and gave multiple examples of how and why it was happening.   The notice also said, “These types of incidents underscore the need for member firms that allow digital signatures to have adequate controls to…


3 Requirements to Follow for Federal Record Storage

When it comes to records management, federal government entities have obligations above and beyond standard businesses. For example, they are required to follow specific United States laws and regulations pertaining to federal record storage.  The full scope of regulations pertaining to federal record storage is quite sizable. It is detailed in full in Title 36,…


Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever been asked to provide a digital or electronic signature on an e-document? If so, you may have assumed that there was no difference between a digital signature vs an electronic signature. However, the terms are not interchangeable, and you should know the important differences between the two. What is the difference between…


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